SAP PCM maintenance has ended… now what?

The mainstream maintenance program for SAP’s Profitability and Cost Management software has ended, so let’s take a look at CostPerform as a SAP PCM replacement.

Here’s why our cost management software may be the best choice for you:

  • CostPerform is competitively priced. Sometimes the purchase price is no more than your current PCM maintenance fees.
  • CostPerform can replicate your existing PCM models with minimal impact on existing inbound and outbound data management systems.
  • Unlike SAP PCM’s fixed dimension assignment levels (Resource, Activity, and Cost Object levels) that force problematic reassignments or multiple models when more levels are required, CostPerform provides unlimited native cost assignment layers.
  • CostPerform has an array of options for cost allocation, conditional allocations, and straightforward custom formulas that are far superior to PCM rules and much easier to use for non-technical modelers.
  • CostPerform is able to assign costs from and to folder levels of resource, activity, and cost object hierarchies which can significantly simplify model building and maintenance. PCM forces making each individual end object to end object-level assignment.
  • CostPerform offers multiple options to ‘see’ the flow of resource consumption and cost assignment, including a pivot view similar to PCM, plus a predefined schematic view and the ability to create custom interactive flowchart views.
  • CostPerform’s ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Load) capability is much easier to use than PCM’s DataBridge.
  • There are many more reasons to choose CostPerform as a replacement for SAP PCM. Download our brochure and discover why CostPerform is the professional’s choice and how our software platform helps you find the answers to the toughest cost and performance questions. 
SAP PCM maintenance is ending
CostPerform offers multiple options to ‘see’ the flow of resource consumption and cost assignment.

From SAP PCM to CostPerform

Some of our 450+ customers were previous SAP PCM users. They chose CostPerform because of the quality and pricing of our cost management software. We have partnered with PCS Consulting, a leading PCM and CostPerform implementation consultant, to help costumers quickly migrate their SAP PCM models to CostPerform, and to upgrade their cost models into a more transparent and powerful Profitability and Cost Management solution. You can read here what the conversion from SAP PCM to CostPerform entails. Thanks to CostPerform and PCS Consulting, PCM customers not on the SAP HANA migration path have a practical and economical alternative. Contact us or PCS Consulting to learn more about the PCM to CostPerform alternative and migration.

Discover what CostPerform can do for your organization