CostPerform fully endorses the US Federal Government’s goal to implement Technology Business Management (TBM) by 2022 in order to increase IT spending transparency.
The development of the IT Spending Transparency Maturity Model by ACT IAC* industry volunteers and government representatives is a means to support TBM implementations. Agencies can leverage this free Maturity Model to help adopt the TBM Framework and concepts, and measure progress from the current state towards the desired future state.
*ACT IAC: American Council for Technology (ACT) and Industry Advisor Council (IAC) is a non-profit public-private partnership dedicated to improving government through the application of information technology.
“Agencies can leverage this free Maturity Model to help adopt the TBM Framework and measure progress from the current state towards the desired future state”
Reach a higher maturity level
The maturity levels are defined in different dimensions (engagement, taxonomy, data, automation, reporting and value). The dimensions are described in more detail in the IT Transparency Maturity Model Whitepaper. The higher organizations score on the different dimensions, the more mature this organization is. It also needs mentioning that dimensions such as ‘engagement’ and ‘value’ are more organizationally defined, while dimensions such as ‘taxonomy’, ‘data’, ‘automation’ and ‘reporting’ are more tooling and modelling related. These latter dimensions are where implementing CostPerform will help you reach a higher level of maturity.
“These latter dimensions are where implementing CostPerform will help you reach a higher level of maturity.”
The IT Spending Transparency Maturity Model is now available on and the corresponding whitepaper is also available there.